A Coeliac Christmas: Tips for hosts and guests

Christmas is a time for reunions with friends, family, workmates and most of them have a common denominator, no it’s not the music but the food! Whether you are coeliac or will be hosting a coeliac of any shape and size πŸ˜„, these tips may be for you:

Hosting a coeliac 🀩

Organizing a special dinner for a large number of people can be a daunting task. Even more so if you have to think about an additional gluten free menu, but it can be rewarding. In general, coeliacs are usually an easier guest than it may seem.

Coeliacs appreciate any kind of effort πŸ’–

No matter how small, the fact that you have thought of gluten free food will be appreciated.

Ask for help beforehand, coeliacs are happy to help ✌

Call your coeliac friend or relative, they will be happy to help. Coeliacs are used to explaining their dietary situation and appreciate your interest.

Gluten is not our friend πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

Keep in mind that any small amounts of gluten can have direct consequences for their health, that is why you shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions.

It is not an exaggeration – it is because it affects their health.

Ask for Gluten free brands πŸ›’

Ask for brands that they can take and where to buy them. You will definitely be thanked for any special Christmas gluten free food.

A coeliac invited to a dinner πŸ˜‹

You’re invited to a Christmas dinner, as you might expect not all guests are coeliacs. Pretty sure there will be lots of gluten going around. Feeling stressed out yet? There are easy ways to keep your mind at rest and help you enjoy this wonderful occasion.

Help your hosts πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ

If you have been invited to eat-dinner-celebrate at the home of a loved one, help your hosts, make yourself available and answer their questions. It makes things easier for both you and the host.

Suggest gluten free options πŸ“

You know how to manage this type of situation perfectly, it facilitates the organization of the menu. You can suggest easy gluten-free options that do not involve too many changes or that avoid the need to duplicate the preparations.

Cross contamination ⚠

Explain what cross contamination is and what it means to your health. Do not explain it only to the host who is preparing the food, talk about it also at the table.

These are usually occasions with a lot of people, so it may be more difficult to be under control of certain situations. The classic examples of someone dipping bread in a sauce or passing the bread over the food sources of the table. 😬

The kids are alright πŸŽ‰

Catering for kids? Be sure to be careful, especially with young coeliacs.

It’s good to explain the situation to everyone πŸ‘Œ

It’s important to explain coeliac disease and cross contamination to everyone. This way they understand and empathize with them during the meal.

Minimise the risks 🧐

You can always avoid having products with gluten on that table to minimise the risks.

In general, children with coeliac disease will often ask what they can or cannot eat. You can prepare separate gluten free dishes for them, explain that it is safe for them and make it clear not to eat what others are having.

Dealing with desserts 🍰

With desserts we must also be careful because as always, not all Christmas products will be suitable. In case of a young coeliac, you should always review what is suitable for coeliacs.
